Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (BTC) (GBTC) - Stock & Dividends

Exchange: USA Stocks • Country: USA • Currency: USD • Type: Etf • ISIN: US3896371099

Bitcoins, DigitalAssets

The Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) is a unique investment vehicle that holds a significant amount of Bitcoin. When it comes to financial reporting, the trust values its Bitcoin holdings based on fair market value, adhering to the guidelines set by U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

To determine the fair value of its Bitcoin holdings, the trust relies on the price provided by the Digital Asset Market, which it considers its primary market. This price is obtained as of 4:00 p.m., New York time, on the valuation date, ensuring that the trust's financial statements reflect the most up-to-date and accurate valuation of its Bitcoin assets.

In other words, the trust's Bitcoin holdings are valued based on the current market price of Bitcoin, which is obtained from a trusted and reliable source. This approach ensures transparency and accuracy in the trust's financial reporting, providing investors with a clear picture of the trust's assets and liabilities.

By using the Digital Asset Market as its principal market, the trust is able to tap into a robust and liquid market for Bitcoin, which helps to ensure that its financial statements reflect the true value of its Bitcoin holdings. This approach also helps to maintain investor confidence in the trust's financial reporting and provides a level of transparency that is essential for informed investment decisions.

Drawdown (Underwater) Chart

Drawdown / Underwater Chart for Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (BTC) (GBTC) - Stock & Dividends

GBTC ETF Overview

Market Cap in USD 23,748m
TER 1.50%
IPO / Inception

GBTC ETF Ratings

Growth 5y 5.84
Fundamental -
Dividend 0.04
Rel. Performance vs Sector 11.33
Analysts -
Fair Price Momentum 84.50 USD
Fair Price DCF -

GBTC Dividends

Yield 12m 0.00%
Yield on Cost 5y 0.00%
Dividends CAGR 5y 0.00%
Payout Consistency 1.0%

GBTC Growth Ratios

Growth 12m 315.08%
Growth Correlation 12m 81%
Growth Correlation 3m -8%
CAGR 5y 42.95%
CAGR/Mean DD 5y 0.99
Sharpe Ratio 12m 5.26
Alpha vs SP500 12m 284.01
Beta vs SP500 5y weekly 1.12
ValueRay RSI 63.25
Volatility GJR Garch 1y 68.98%
Price / SMA 50 1.84%
Price / SMA 200 59.58%
Current Volume 5488.3k
Average Volume 20d 6639.8k

External Links for GBTC ETF

Wall Street JournalBenzingaYahoo Finance
Fund Manager Positions
What is the price of GBTC stocks?
As of May 19, 2024, the stock is trading at USD 59.73 with a total of 5,488,251 shares traded.
Over the past week, the price has changed by +10.63%, over one month by +9.98%, over three months by +29.06% and over the past year by +297.67%.
What are the forecast for GBTC stock price target?
According to ValueRays Forecast Model, GBTC Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (BTC) will be worth about 94.5 in May 2025. The stock is currently trading at 59.73. This means that the stock has a potential upside of +58.21%.
Issuer Forecast Upside
Wallstreet Target Price - -
Analysts Target Price - -
ValueRay Target Price 94.5 58.2